Tricks to download music on Zing MP3, Tui's Music .. extremely cool - Knowledge sharing blog

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Yes, there are lots of tutorials on how to blog Download music on online music sites like Zing MP3, My Music .. already.

And if you have not read, you can refer to some of the following very useful articles, I think it will be very necessary for you in some cases here:

And in this tutorial I will share with you how to download music, download videos from any website (not all of them) without having to use any utility or a software.

You also do not need to create an account and log in to download anymore. With this tip, you can download music on Zing MP3, My Tui .. and other music and video sharing sites extremely quickly and professionally.

I. How to download music on Zing MP3, My Music ...?

In this tutorial, I will Demo on the 2 most popular online music websites in Vietnam, Tui's Music and Zing MP3.

Other websites you do the same thing.

#first. Download music on Zing MP3 without logging in

+ Step 1: First you visit the site => open the song you want to download.

For example, here I try to download the song Bài ca tuổi trẻ okay. Open the song and pause the song as shown below.

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+ Step 2: Now, right-click on any position on the music website => and select Kiểm tra. Or you can press the key combination CTRL + SHIFT + I to open quickly.

Then you switch to the tab Network as shown below. As you can see at the Tab Network Nothing yet, right.

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+ Step 3: Now press the button Play to listen to music => now you will see tab Network will appear audio files => this is the music file that you.

Note: If when you press Play If you still don't see anything, press the button reload the page is there will be. You can also reload the page by pressing the key F5 or Fn + F5 on the keyboard.

=> Now you double click on one of the files.

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+ Step 4: You will now be directed to the download page. You clicked dấu 3 chấm dọc as shown below.

how-to-get-from-zing-mp3-music-from-tu-cuc-ky-ba-dao-4 (4)

+ Step 5: And press the button Tải xuống to download music to your computer offline.

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#2. Download music on without logging in

Completely the same, downloading music on Tui's Music is no different, just write it here to prove that it will be downloaded 😀

+ Step 1: You also open the song you want to download => yet Play hurry.

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+ Step 2: Press the key combination CTRL + SHIFT + I to open developer mode.

Then open the tab Network ra => press the button Play to play music => music file appeared => double click to download.

// Like on Zing MP3 page, if Play music without music files appear in the Network section, press the key F5 or Fn + F5 to reload the web is there offline.

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II. Epilogue

Okay, so I just finished sharing with you guys How to download music on Zing Mp3, My Music, and online music websites an extremely effective and unique way.

Hope this tip will be helpful to you. Good luck !

Kien Nguyen -

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