Upsell for WooCommerce to increase sales at the store


Upsell for WooCommerce to increase sales at the store Encourage people to buy a product from your online store. However, you need to make customers spend more money on each visit to your site. The implementation of WooCommerce sales techniques in this will convince buyers to make larger purchases

There are several ways to make sales on your Wooommerce site. With a few plugins, you guide your customers to the higher value products they will love and increase your short-term revenue. It is a situation that is beneficial to you and your buyer.

This article, will talk about the benefits of deploying WooCommerce in your store. We will then share the three sales techniques you have tried.

What is upelling (and how it can benefit you)

If you've ever bought chips from a fast food place, you're probably in the case of a cashier who encourages you to buy better, better products. That's an example of a sale, involving persuading customers to buy a more expensive version of the product they want.

Three methods for selling on your WooCommerce website

The key to WooCommerce stores is to provide more value at an increased price. If you convince users about the added value, then you increase the price. There are several ways to do this.

1. Create a WooCommerce sales package

Suppose you sell computers. A customer who is reviewing your products for some time finally decides on the perfect model and they have to activate. At this point, you might ask yourself, what more will this customer need to make the most of this purchase?

In this case, you can offer customers a ‘fully equipped PC package’, including a keyboard, mouse, monitor and even a headset. These are all things customers may need to buy later, but if you offer them at the right time, you have the opportunity to persuade customers to spend more now.

What you are actually doing in this example will increase the price of the product. That means, your fully equipped PC package offers an upgrade, as well as additional products to complete the purchase.

To create product packages, use a tool like the WPC product package plugin.


With this plugin, you create existing product packages and also different products.


To set up a new package, install and activate the plugin. Then go to Products> Add New in WordPress, just like you are creating a new product. There, you will see the new Smart Pack tab in the Product data widget, where you specify products as a package.

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2. Add an upCom WooCommerce to your store checkout process

There are two perfect locations to put upells in your store. The first is in your product pages, where customers will see replacement products before moving on to the checkout stage.


You will easily add WooCommerce upgrades to your product pages with a plugin like Booster for WooCommerce. This plugin also adds other useful features to your store, like cross selling and product add-ons.


With the second approach, you put upells in your checkout page. Many websites include offers for additional or replacement products during the first few steps of the checkout process. They sometimes include special discounts on other products, only for customers who choose them at checkout.


To add WooCommerce upgrades to your checkout process, consider using Beeketing for WooCommerce. This plugin allows you to set up gadgets.

The idea behind the final price hikes is to have incremental discounts for customers who decide to add products to their orders during checkout. This is a strong incentive, especially for low-cost items.

3. Using WooCommerce sales service after buying

So far, we only explore WooCommerce sales methods that appear before and during the checkout process. However, you will also have price incentives after they purchase.


To do this, you will need the email address of the customer. You will want to ask them if they want to receive product offers at some point - when they sign up for an account at a store or during checkout.

If the customer agrees, you will add them to your email list and send them intermittent marketing newsletters to encourage them to buy more. However, upell emails work best if you send them as soon as they have made a purchase. Email buyers as soon as they buy to let them know about other good deals.


An example of a product tracking email.

The great thing about this method is that it is a bit more sophisticated than making price increases during the payment period. With post-purchase deals, give everyone time to think if they need any add-ons or want to upgrade.

To deploy this WooCommerce sales program, you'll need to use an email marketing platform connected to your ecommerce site. For example, Mailchimp helps you create a ‘product tracking’ email. These include upells:


MailChimp product tracking email.

Another benefit of this method is that in addition to increasing prices, you use these tracking emails to collect reviews, thank customers for their businesses, give them coupons for future purchases. hybrids and more. In general, the higher the value you provide, the more likely people will be interested.

See more : Create a free Website


There are approaches to upgrade WooCommerce easily. Upselling in an online store is a quick way to increase sales, and helps customers find high-value products they will like.

This article, will cover three strategies for selling on your site:

  • Create WooCommerce sales packages.

  • Add WooCommerce upells to your store's checkout process.

  • Use the incentives after buying WooCommerce.

