Instructions on how to choose a good domain name for your website - HOSTVN Blog

How to choose a good domain name for your website - A domain name is not just a website address, it is also your brand. A memorable, creative domain name contributes an important part in attracting visitors to your website.

Why choose a good domain name?

The website domain name is an alternative to the IP address that makes it easier for users to access your website. The domain name is not only a website address, it is also the face of the website and your brand on the Internet. A memorable and meaningful domain name will help customers remember your website and leave a good impression on users

how to choose a domain name

Think like a guest

To start searching for the perfect domain name for your brand or business, place your position in the position of a customer. Is your domain name easy to remember, easy to type from the keyboard or not? Does your domain really stand out and accurately represent your brand? Considering the most important features of your brand, the message you want to convey and finding phrases, words and keywords can help express those ideas to use as a domain name.

Always keep in mind that a domain that is easy to remember, easy to type and meaningful will leave a good impression on your customers.

Make your domain name branded

People often form an impression of someone within seconds of meeting them, and the same is true when they access your domain name. The domain name you choose is an online representation of your brand, so it's important to make it stand out from the competition and say clearly not just about the service or product you offer, but about the values ​​and missions behind them. This will make it easier for your customers to remember and have an impression of your service, which will make your business easier.


Your domain name will be used on the internet and it may be difficult to make changes later if your domain name does not really represent what your business is or if your company does not want to expand into other areas. other. Although it is important to incorporate keywords in the domain name if possible, stuffing keywords into your domain name not only makes it less interesting and harder to remember but also creates limitations if the business Joint changes or expansion later.

Make your domain name memorable

Studies have shown that the most familiar domain names in the world, like Google, Apple, Facebook and Twitter, share some key characteristics: they are creative, recognizable, easy to pronounce, easy to spell and brief.

how to choose a domain name

Although keywords can help you find your domain name and website, use them properly. Consider being creative with a word or phrase that evokes your brand spirit or using an existing word in a new way. The most memorable online sites usually have short names, between 6 and 14 characters long, making them easy to remember and easy to type into a web browser.

News spreads about a brand in many different ways, even word of mouth. Domain experts recommend choosing a domain that is easy to say as well as easy to type. That means avoiding domain names that contain numbers, hyphens, or special characters that make them hard to pronounce, as well as hard to remember. However, if your company or brand has a long name, consider using its abbreviation, possibly associated with a single, relevant keyword.

Choose the best domain extension

Domain name extension after the sign dot Can also help your domain name. The most recognizable extension in the world is still .com, although there are now more extensions and because of familiarity and association with trade and reliability, .com Still the best option in most cases. If .com not available, consider other neutral extensions like .net or .info. For Vietnamese domain name, the best option would be .VN or

Research carefully before choosing a domain name

The Internet is home to more than 1.3 billion websites, so it is likely that any domain name, no matter how unique and creative, may have been used somewhere. Research your domain name carefully using google, keyword search and trademark search to make sure it avoids violating other existing uses, which can lead to This is a legal action and you may need to start over with a different domain name.


Choose the right domain name so it becomes a brand for your company or business. With a complete plan and careful consideration, you can create a memorable domain name and impress your customers thereby increasing your sales. In addition, you can refer to other articles sharing about SEO of HOSTVN

If you are ready to buy a domain name yourself, you can refer Domain name service of HOSTVN to buy yourself a domain name as you like. If you want direct advice you can call the Hotline 024-4455-3333 / 028-4455-3333 branch 1 to meet Sales, branch 2 to meet Technical

