Split whole numbers and balances into two columns, when split on Excel file - Knowledge sharing blog

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In today's tutorial on Excel, I will share with you one of the simple calculations that we have learned from elementary school. And in the process of learning and working in Excel, we often encounter this calculation.

That's how to use the QUOTIENT and MOD functions to perform a division operation with balances, and filter integers and balances into two separate columns, returning the typical price in the worksheet to support the creation of the Excel file. more beneficial.

Read more:

#first. The integer division by the QUOTIENT function

+ Step 1: First, you open the Excel file to be processed, here you click on the cell to export the value (the result box).

excel-excel-excel-excel-excel (1)

+ Step 2: Then you enter the formula below => and press Enter to perform.

= QUOTIENT(divisor, the dividend)

Note: Sorry, my illustrations are mistaken. Divisor is in the column A, still the dividend is in the column B just right.

Applied to the example we get: = QUOTIENT (A3, B3)

excel-excel-excel-excel-excel (2)

+ Step 3: After pressing Enter, we get the results as shown below. Finally, we will fill the formula cell into the worksheet to apply to the remaining cells.

excel-excel-excel-excel-excel (3)

And filter out whole numbers of the remaining division operations.

excel-excel-excel-excel-to-excel (4)

#2. How to use the MOD function to get the remainder of a division?

After filtering the RAW integer (quotient) of the division calculation, to find the Balance in that calculation, enter the formula below.

= MOD(divisor,the dividend)

Applied to the example, we will get the following function formula: = MOD (A3, B3)

excel-excel-excel-excel-excel (5)

Finally, copy the formula by holding the mouse at the plus sign in the formula cell => and fill it down your whole worksheet.

excel-excel-excel-excel-excel (6)

To get the result of the division, the quotient is an integer, and the remainder in two separate columns as shown below.

excel-excel-excel-excel-excel (7)

# 3. Epilogue

Okay, so I have just guided you through the tricks for creating division, separating integers and balances into two separate columns in Excel already. This will allow us to easily manipulate the residuals without rounding off the decimal numbers, to summarize and retain the next value.

Here, the instructions how Separate integers and remainder into two columns when dividing operations in Excel file with my QUOTIENT and MOD functions, please also pause. Hope this tip will be helpful to you.

Good luck !

CTV: Luong Trung - Blogchiasekienthuc.com

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